Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Tough on What?

As a boy who was born to never second guess a democrat, I've struggled with my ability to criticize the party that i vote with. However, growing up in a highly democratic household has it's perks as well (i.e. extremely liberal parents who are accepting of their gay child). I digress...

But recently I've been increasingly disappointed with the Democratic Party. In a recent interview, Jimmy Carter referred to the current administration's foreign policy as "the worst in history." He's correct. Actually, completely on the money. There has not been a president in a very long time that has been as destructive and divisive with foreign policy as George W. Bush. However, the Dubya Marketing Machine got on the horn and called Jimmy Carter "irrelevant." Anytime you make a crack at the president, his press secretaries act as if you insulted Jesus. So Jimmy Carter, in grand democratic tradition, retracted his statements. He stated that he was really talking about recent presidents, such as George Sr., Clinton, and Nixon. Apparently the phrase "worst in history" translates to mean "worst in the last 30 years.

It's blatantly obvious that Jimmy Carter meant exactly what he said. But because democrats can not stand up against this president, he sugar-coated the shit out of his words and made peace with the Pres. This is exactly what I hate about the Democratic Party. He should have said, "I don't care if I'm irrelevant. I'm 100 years old and not affiliated with any candidate in this election. So I'll say it again...Bush is disastrous and the worst in history with regards to foreign policy." Democrats in general need to start proving to the American Public, that they can be tough when they need to be. They need to go on Fox News and tear Chris Wallace's ass apart like Bill Clinton did (watch it on, it's great). They need to start drafting impeachment papers like Dennis Kucinich. And they need to march to Washington and lobby for their causes like Al Gore does.

It's time to grow some balls blue staters. If you want to win in 2008, you'll learn to play the game. The alternative is 4 more years of Bush politics under another name.
You chose...


Anonymous said...

you are so on target with this one! It's not only the party but everyone came down hard on him, i'm sorry but he was right!

Anonymous said...

So true! Why are we having to vote for the lesser of two evils - politics is a real drag.