Monday, September 10, 2007

A letter to Britney Spears

Dear Britney,

Most of my readers saw this blog and perhaps thought I might be joining the bandwagon of people trying to bring you lower than any human being should be. I do not wish to trash you or drag your name in the mud. I'm writing this letter to offer an apology to you, from the American public. So if you'll kindly keep reading, I'd appreciate it.

In the United States, we tend to care more about another person's misfortunes, then handling or own affairs. We get seem to gain some weird therapeutic benefit from sitting on our couches and laughing at famous people's mistakes on ENews or Entertainment Tonight. We'd rather spend hours on some blue-haired queen turned celebrity blogger's website to look at pictures of your latest indiscretions, than actually pay attention to the war and devastation that has become this world. We would rather watch reality television shows about dingy 19-year-olds who do nothing but party at clubs and go tanning, than spend an ounce of our day paying attention to actual reality.

I'm sorry that the above things our true, which is why we care so much about your life. We are the same public who put you on a pedestal quicker than you probably could have ever imagined, only to laugh at you and point fingers as you tragically fall. Your performance last night was probably a result of your career making machine trying to make a last dime off of you, without you fully being ready.

While you shouldn't have driven a car with your baby on your lap, you aren't the only good parent in the world who makes a mistake. People in this country acted as if they were perfect parents, never making . I wonder how people would act if their divorces were made public knowledge and their spouse was in the news trashing him/her daily. Being a celebrity comes with a high price for its fame. And as true as that statement is, it makes me disgusted.

You should be in treatment, you should be piecing back your life together, and spending time with your children. You chose to relaunch your career, a decision after last night you probably regret for now. But I'm sorry that the American Public has trashed you so much that you were forced to try and redeem yourself in one fleeting moment. Each and every one of us has our drama, our mess, our tabloid moments. We just don't have a camera in our face.

I'm sorry your life is in shambles. And I'm sorry we as a public relish in it. When Entertainment and News became one in the same, we stopped caring about what was important. Do yourself a favor, go away for a while and get yourself together. Handle your personal affairs, love your kids, and get some rest. Maybe in a few years you can make some music, or write a book, or whatever else you might be into. Only then can I hope we won't judge you like we have nothing to be judge about ourselves.

